Walnut Maple Cookies

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I can’t make cookies.  Pastry?  Yes.  Bread?  Yes.  Cookies?  Nope.  Disaster.  But–hip-hip-hooray–I found a cookie I can make and it is pretty healthy!  You heard me correctly–pretty healthy!  And it passed the husband test.  I found the recipe in a magazine but it was originally printed in a book called Depression the Way Out.  The yumminess in the cookies is supposed to help counter depression and they are loaded with omega-3.

2 1/2 cup chopped walnuts (preferably ground in a food processor.  I used an electric chopper)

2/3 cup whole wheat flour

1 tsp unrefined sea salt

1/3 cup ground flax (I grind mine in a coffee grinder just before using.  You can buy it already ground as flaxseed meal)

1/3 cup carob chips (or chocolate if you don’t have carob)

1/2 cup maple syrup plus 2 tbsp

2 tsp vanilla

Add all the ingredients in the given order and mix well.  Spoon onto a greased cookie sheet.  I used coconut oil but you can use a good veggie oil spray.  Flatten each mound with a fork.  Bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes.  Cool before eating. 

I didn’t have enough walnuts so I added chopped hazelnuts.  I think any kind of nut will work.  I would have taken a picture but we, um, ate them all.  Enjoy! 

3 responses »

  1. um, precisely how many “points” would these be? work that out for me, would you? *wink*

  2. baked these tonight… MMMMMMMMMMMM… awesome!!!

  3. I have this recipe from the book Depression the Way Out, by Dr. Neil Nedley. They taste SO good!! my 4 year old wants them for breakfast:-)


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